Spinal Chiropractic

Spinal chiropractic is a hands-on approach to treating back pain. Chiropractors and spinal specialists focus on disorders of the musculoskeletal system, including the spine.

During spinal manipulation, practitioners use their hands to apply a rapid force to a joint. This often creates a popping sound, similar to cracking your knuckles.

Spinal Decompression Therapy

The spine is a complex structure consisting of bones (vertebrae) strung together like beads on a lanyard, ligaments and spinal (intervertebral) discs. A pathway of nerves runs through this connective tissue and when it becomes compressed or pinched, you can experience back pain and other symptoms such as leg weakness or numbness. Spinal decompression therapy aims to relieve this pressure and soothe these symptoms with a variety of nonsurgical methods.

Unlike other treatment options that can hurt, spinal decompression therapy is safe, effective and comfortable. A patient lies on a table that’s outfitted with pulleys and weights to stretch the spine in different positions. Most patients require about 12-20 sessions over four to six weeks.

In some cases, spinal decompression can help relieve herniated or bulging discs that have become painful and numb. This is because the treatment can encourage herniated and bulging discs to return to their correct positions along the spine, alleviating pain.

However, this treatment isn’t appropriate for everyone. You shouldn’t receive it if you have osteoporosis, severe arthritis or other health conditions that weaken the vertebrae. You should also avoid it if you have implants in your body or a fractured vertebrae. It may also not be a good option for you if your doctor has recommended you get surgery for any reason.

Despite its effectiveness, spinal decompression therapy hasn’t been scientifically tested to determine how well it works. It hasn’t been compared to traction, physical therapy and chiropractic manipulation, which have ample research behind them.

A few studies have found that spinal decompression can help treat many different conditions, including sciatica, lumbar or cervical stenosis, herniated or bulging discs, spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis. The procedure can also help improve the results of spinal fusion, which involves surgically connecting two or more vertebrae.

The most important factor in how successful spinal decompression is for you is how severe your condition is. Your healthcare provider will take a “stepped” approach to find the right treatment for your injury, starting with less invasive and cost-effective procedures and moving on to more invasive options if those don’t help.


Spinal manipulation is one of the most important and common treatments that chiropractors offer. This treatment involves applying gentle pressure on the joints in your spine to improve their range of motion. Your chiropractor may also use spinal manipulation to correct misalignments in your vertebrae. When your chiropractor does this, you may hear a cracking sound that is similar to the way your bones make a popping noise when they move out of place. Dr Gracie Hundley offers a comprehensive approach to addressing lower back pain by focusing on the misalignment and not just the pain. By realigning the spine with our tried and tested chiropractic technique

There are many different types of spinal manipulation. Some of them include: Gonstead technique – This method uses specific x-ray analysis and precise adjusting techniques that condemn twisting of the spine. Palmer technique – This method is done with the help of a special table. You lie on your front, back, or side and your chiropractor moves the table section up or down at the same time. The chiropractic procedure is quick and painless.

Diversified technique – This method is performed with the help of a special table that has multiple sections. The chiropractor places pressure on the impacted joints in your body, which results in the release of gas from the joint. This is why some people do not hear the cracking sound associated with chiropractic treatments.

Activator method – This is an instrument-assisted spinal manipulation therapy. Your chiropractor will use an instrument called an activator, which delivers a pulsation to targeted areas of your spine that are in pain or have limited range of motion. The Activator method is a gentler form of spinal manipulation than other methods.

In addition to improving spinal alignment, spinal manipulation also benefits other parts of your body. Studies have shown that chiropractic care can lower your blood pressure, reduce vertigo symptoms, and boost immune function. These health benefits are due to the fact that your nervous and immune systems are closely linked.

Although researchers are not sure exactly how spinal manipulation works, they do know that it increases the range of motion in your spine and other joints in your body. This increased range of motion can also increase the blood flow to your joints, which can help your muscles relax. Additionally, spinal adjustments can correct misalignments in your spine, which will improve the way that your brain processes sensory information.


Massage is the manipulation of soft tissue, including muscles, tendons and ligaments. It reduces pain and stiffness, increases range of motion and improves circulation. It also stimulates the nervous system, which helps with healing and pain relief. It can be done in various ways and a session can last from 15 minutes to 120 minutes.

Massage, traction and manipulation are treatment approaches that can be used by chiropractors and other medical professionals. They help with musculoskeletal issues like neck pain and headaches, back pain and chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis.

In the US, 10.3 percent of adults saw a chiropractor in 2017 for a back problem, according to a National Health Interview Survey. This was up from 9.1 percent in 2012. Women were more likely to see a chiropractor than men, and those age 45-64 were most likely to visit one.

Spinal manipulation is a treatment technique performed by chiropractors and other licensed healthcare practitioners. It involves applying a controlled force to the spine and other joints in the body to move it beyond its normal range of motion. It is different from spinal mobilization, which doesn’t involve a thrust and is performed within a joint’s natural range of motion.

The exact mechanism of how spinal manipulation works isn’t fully understood, but there are a few theories. The most common is that the rapid stretching of the spine and surrounding tissues causes improvements in the signals sent to the brain, which then re-establishes normal processing. Another theory is that spinal manipulation helps to retrain the paraspinal muscles to correct poor posture, which leads to better spine and joint function.

Spinal manipulation can be helpful in relieving neck pain, lower back pain and other musculoskeletal problems, but it is not without risk. People with certain medical conditions, such as a herniated disc or inflammatory arthritis, should not undergo manipulation of the neck or spine. They should also speak with their medical doctor before undergoing treatment. It is important for patients to understand these risks and to give informed consent before proceeding with any chiropractic treatment.

Nutritional Counseling

Chiropractic care has been shown to be an effective treatment for many conditions including back pain, neck pain, sciatica, arthritis, scoliosis, chronic pain and bad posture. Chiropractors use holistic treatments, which include spinal manipulation and nutritional counseling. Proper nutrition fuels the body, helps to reduce inflammation and supports the healing process. Nutritional counseling can help to identify the best foods for your health and wellness. Everyone is different and requires a diet that meets their specific needs. For example, professional athletes have very different nutritional requirements than busy office workers. A good chiropractor will be able to provide nutritional guidance that is tailored to each individual patient’s unique needs.

Chiropractors often treat patients who have inflammatory conditions or autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. Studies have shown that dietary changes can decrease systemic inflammation and alleviate symptoms such as pain and fatigue. Nutritional counseling can help to reduce inflammation by advising patients on eating less processed foods, increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables, taking nutritional supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids and using more water.

Nutritional counseling can also help to improve a patient’s overall health by helping them lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. When a person is overweight, it can put a lot of stress on their back and joints. This can cause the spine to destabilize and lead to further spinal dysfunction. Chiropractic care can help to address this by reducing the weight and providing spinal adjustments to ensure that the spine is moving properly.

In addition to addressing spinal dysfunction, nutritional counseling can also help with other medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Those who seek chiropractic care for these conditions in conjunction with nutritional counseling may experience improved healing and stronger immune systems. In addition to promoting overall health, nutritional counseling can also be helpful for those who have chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. These conditions can be complicated to diagnose and treat. A chiropractor can help by identifying the underlying causes of these conditions and recommending appropriate treatment options.

Spinal chiropractic is a hands-on approach to treating back pain. Chiropractors and spinal specialists focus on disorders of the musculoskeletal system, including the spine. During spinal manipulation, practitioners use their hands to apply a rapid force to a joint. This often creates a popping sound, similar to cracking your knuckles. Spinal Decompression Therapy The spine…